Installation Instruction

Don't really know what to do with the theme files? Don't worry, follow this instruction:
Click on the 'Extract' Button
Extract the theme to the Plus! default directory
When I installed Frontpage 97/98, I had an error when I changed my desktop themes from MSPlus! pack. The image converter from JPEG to BMP didn't work and I got an illegal operation message. There are also reported problems with Office 97 but I never encounter this myself. If after installing Office 97 or FrontPage 97/98 you get this similar problem, search for the file Themes.Exe on the Office 97 and FrontPage 97/98 CDROM, then copy it into your \Plus! directory. Or you can also download the THEMES.EXE patch file from this site too.

Good luck! If you need any help, please don't hesitate to mail me.

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