Ranma Saotome is not an ordinary teenager.
When he is splashed with cold water, he changes into a girl. When splashed
with hot water, he changes back into a boy. His father and his other friends
and foes also share a similar curse. Ranma is engaged to Akane Tendo, daughter
of Soun Tendo. Ranma's father, Genma Saotome, and Akane's father decided
it was in the best interest of the families to join together to keep the
dojo, and the family fighting style. In order to do this, Soun and Genma
had to get a bride for Ranma out of the three daughters of Soun. After
discovering Ranma's curse, immediately, the other girls elected Akane as
the fiancee. How handy to them they have a little sister. Besides, Kasumi
was too old for Ranma, Nabiki would probably have sold him on the black
market as a circus freak, and that leaves Akane alone. Moreover, Akane
hates boys and Ranma is a half boy, so the story begins here...