Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is a Japanese anime that aired from March 7, 1992 to February 8, 1997. It is the story that starts off with a clumsy, ditzy, 14 year-old girl named Tsukino Usagi, and her alter-ego as the fighter for love and justice, Sailormoon. Through the 200 TV episodes, three feature-length movies, and the numerous specials and live-action musicals, we see her voyage towards self-discovery and self-realization. We see her drive, dedication, strength of heart, and most of all, her love for others. It is her love that sets Tsukino Usagi apart from all of the other characters in Sailormoon. Love is a central theme in this anime, whether it be the love of friendship, family, and ultimately, the self. Usagi's acceptance of herself allows her to fight evil and triumph despite her weaknesses and failings.



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Sailor Moon and related images are copyrights of Naoko Takeuchi, Toei, Kodansha and Bandai.

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