Rei Hino lives in a Shinto shrine/temple on the top of Cherry Hill, in the Juban area, with her eccentric grandfather, who would rather look up young girls skirts, or spy on her and her friends, then do his work! She has lived at that shrine all her life, since her mother died when she was born and her father is an extremely busy politician, her grandfather was the only one who was able to care for her. Who knows if she would be capable of sensing evil or see evil via the fire! She is training to become a miko, a female exorcist. She attends what is known as an Ojosama, an exclusive school for girls so she wears a different uniform than the other senshi. She studies with the other Inner Senshi at her house. Hino Rei means Spirit of Fire, continuing on, she's an Aries, a zodiac sign ruled by the planet Mars. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Diemos. In Roman mythology Mars was the god of war and loathed by Gods and man alike, of his few followers were the dieties, Phobos and Diemos. In case you didn't know, the names of her pet crows are Phobos and Deimos!

SailorMoon - SailorMercury - SailorMars - SailorJupiter - SailorVenus

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