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Recent updates to my site:

-September 2 1999-

New Theme
I finally finished my Final Fantasy VIII theme and managed to upload it and put a link from this site. I know that it's not really an anime, but hey, it's a cool game and has a cool 3D animation too. If you happened to have Playstation, please consider buying this great game. By the way, you can click here to preview the theme.

-August 18 1999-

New Add-on
A new add-on pack for the Sailormoon Theme has been added so there are now 9 add-ons here. It contains a new wallpaper, new animated cursors and a few sounds. Click here to view the new add-on.

Recommendation Form
I have also added a new recommendation form hosted on my own server so that my visitors can easily tell their friends about this site. Please click here to recommend my site to your friends. I'll be grateful if you do so ^_^.

-July 28 1999-

Postcard Service Updated
The images in the postcard service have been changed with a better ones. Moreover, I also added more midis. Please click here to try out the postcard service.

-July 18 1999-

It's all about Slayers
Slayers was finally aired on my country and I like it a lot, thus I decided to make a theme of it. Fortunately, since I downloaded too much resources from the internet, instead of deleting the unused files, I decided to make 2 themes of Slayers: Slayers Theme and Slayers Next Theme. The last one is not just an add-on, but a completely different theme. Aside from those two themes, I also make a Slayers icon pack consist of 64 icons and also a pack of start, waiting, and shutdown screens which can be found here. I hope now you all can 'Slayerized' your PC ^_^.

New Add-On
A new add-on pack for Gundam Wing is now available. The add-on is based on the Gundam Wing Movie: Endless Waltz. It comes with a new wallpaper, start and exit windows sounds, and a new animated cursors. Click here to view the add-on.

Themes Updated
I've also updated my Evangelion and Gundam Wing themes with new, improved animated cursors. A credit to Izark for teaching me how to to make those cursors. By the way, if you have already downloaded my Evangelion or Gundam themes and want to get the cursors without downloading the whole themes again, you can simply mail me and I'll send the cursors.

-June 13 1999-

Online Store is back!
After a few month temporary out of service, the Marty's Shop is now back online with a design. Now it has less listing, but more pictures. Click here to find out about this store and don't forget to buy some stuff to support me, ^_^ thanks!

-May 15 1999-

Broken links are now fixed
Thanks to some reports from some visitors, I found out that I put some broken links to the Sailormoon images and Ranma midis. Now they all have been fixed, and also I move my Sakura Wars and Saint Seiya themes to another place since it was always very hard for visitors to download those two themes from the old server.

-May 3 1999-

For those who recently visited my site, I'm really sorry. After finding out that my old server had been down for some days, I decided to move to other reliable server and redesign my site as soon as possible. I hope I won't find a similar problem with my new server, Tripod. I'm also sorry that I finally decided to cancel my plan in building Gundam Wing and Rayearth pages. Thus, I removed the always-under-construction Gundam Wing and Rayearth pages. I hope you'll be satisfied with these changes. More themes or add-ons are comming soon!

-March 15 1999-

Free E-mail Service
Now you can get a new anime e-mail service from my site FOR FREE! If you sign up, your new e-mail address will be yourname@animefans.zzn.com. Click here to sign up or log in to your account if you've already had one.

-March 8 1999-

Gundam Wing Theme
I think this is the best theme among all of the themes I've created. It has stereo Start and Exit Windows sounds and is optimized for Windows 98, which means it comes with gradient colors. However this is the biggest theme in size (2.01 mb) I've ever made, due to the high quality of the Start/Exit sounds. Click here to preview it.

Gundam Wing Icon
With the theme comes along an icons pack which consist of 49 icons. Click here to preview it.

Nadesico Theme
Click here to preview it. 'Nuff said.

Ranma ½ add-on updated
This add-on now has a new wallpaper, a new color scheme(with gradient colors), a My Documents icon and is optimized for Windows 98. Click here to preview it.

Evangelion Theme updated
Optimized for Windows 98 also, plus a My Documents icon. Click here to preview it. By the way, don't be confused if you see no gradient color on the preview image, I'm still using the Windows 95 ^_~;;.

New Layout
Phew, that's a lot of additions, here's the last one. I have divided the Themes and Stuff page into four section to make a faster loading time. The fourth section, Logo Screens page, is a new section which has some start/shutdown screen logos. Click here to preview the new page.

-January 26 1999-

Sailormoon Page
My Sailormoon page is up and ready to be visited. There are now characters pages and an image gallery with thumbnails. Click here to visit my Sailormoon page.

-January 19 1999-

New Layout
I've change the layout of the main page so it now have less images and less javascript. I got many complaints from my friends that the script and those bunch of images were only making my page loads very slow. Therefore I removed them to keep my visitors happy ^_^.

ICQ Panel
A new cool feature has been added to my about me page so that people can known whether my ICQ is active or not. Non ICQ users can also send ICQ message to me.

-January 14 1999-

Marty's Shop
There's not much addition to my site so far. The only update I made is in the shop section. Well, I could use some of the money ^_^. So, if you're looking for anime stuff such as videotapes, soundtracks and manga or comics, you're comming to a right place. Please click here to buy some anime stuff.

-January 1 1999-

Rayearth Theme
First of all, I want to say Happy New Year!!! Only one year to go until second impact... er, nevermind. Here's a new theme, Magic Knight Rayearth. Click here to view the new theme. This is the first update for this year.

Evangelion Theme
This year I also made an update to my Neon Genesis Evangelion Theme. The theme now comes with start/shutdown screen and a new wallpaper. Click here to view the theme.

-December 20 1998-

Hi all visitors! For a few month I didn't make any changes or updates to my site. This was because my computer was damaged for one full month plus a lot of assignments from my class. Thank God I finally can make this updates. As you already know I've moved my site from GeoCities to MYSP.com. I'm also still trying to make another mirror site. This site is not completely finished, I still need to finish the anime section. Meanwhile the themes section is now ready and you can download anything from it again.

Saint Seiya Theme
My first addition to the theme section after a few months. Actually I was planning to put this theme on my site when my computer was damaged. This theme is created with the help of my buddy, Levi Setiadi. He's the one who provided the sounds and wallpapers. If you like Saint Seiya, you can mail him since he is a Seiya-otaku ^_^. Click here to view the new theme.

-September 25 1998-

Sailormoon Theme
I have merged the original SailorStars theme and the Sailormoon add-on pack to become a new Sailormoon theme. It now has a better sounds and a better wallpaper. Click here to find out.

-September 15 1998-

Ranma ½ page updated
After searching the internet for two hours for information, I managed to make an update to my Ranma pages. The character pages is completed and you can even download Ranma midis and a game. Please visit my Ranma pages. Don't forget to get some pics from the image gallery.

-September 14 1998-

Ranma ½ page
My Ranma ½ page is finally finished. Click here to check it out. However, that page is not 100% finished. I still need to put some images and MP3s, and also type down the character information. Please be patient.

-September 8 1998-

Ranma ½ add-on pack
Click here to view it. This add-on pack consists of two new sound and a new animated cursor. Please download this add-on pack to make your Ranma ½ Theme pack cooler.

-September 4 1998-

Evangelion Icons
Sorry for not updating for a quite long time. I lost the access to the internet so that I could do nothing to my pages. I could not even check my mailbox. Lucky I could upload the icons pack. I have added more icons to the icon pack. Now this icon pack consists of 70 icons. Click here to find out.

-August 5 1998-

Shampoo add-on pack
A new add-on pack for Ranma ½ Theme is now available. Click here to find out.

Evangelion page
My Eva page has been updated. It now has more information on the characters pages, especially on the units section. Feel free to visit that page. Now if only I could do the same to my Ranma page.....

-August 1 1998-

More Links
My links page now has more links. Please visit this section after you're done surfing my site.

Ranma Theme
This theme has been updated. Now it contain start, waiting and shutdown screens. Click here to find out. A credit to Ranma 1/2 Gallery for the start/shutdown screens.

-July 31 1998-

Sakura Wars Theme
The Sakura Wars theme has been updated. It now contains a better and bigger wallpaper. I change the wallpaper because I think the old wallpaper has a low resolution and is too small and not suitable for a wallpaper. Click here to find out the new appearance of this theme. A credit to Anime Background Center for the new wallpaper.

-July 27 1998-

Asuka page
My Asuka page has been updated a little bit. Click here to find out.

-July 25 1998-

Digital Postcard
From now on, visitors to my page can send a digital postcard. Click here to send a digital postcard. This service is hosted by Bravenet.

-July 23 1998-

The Themes are back!
Finally after searching for my friends help, I got a place to put my theme files, thanks to Janny Lie. Actually, we made a deal, she can put a link to my themes as long as she keeps it on her own site, hehehe. A fair deal isn't it? No ^_~;; ? Well, thanks anyway, Jan-chan! By the way, please click here to visit Janny's Homepage.

Heavy Gear Theme removal
Unfortunately Janny don't have enough space in her site and  she doesn't like Heavy Gear either. Therefore I have to remove this theme from my site. As usual, you can mail me if you want that theme. I'll send you through e-mail.

New Layout
I've changed the layout in the index page. What do you think about it? I also put geoguide in almost all of my pages. I'm really pissed off with the pop-up windows when I surfed other sites in geocities. To prevent the pop-up windows, I have to put that geoguide. However, when I test my page, it loaded slower than usual. Now I'm really confused, should I keep the geoguide, or should I take them off and let the annoying pop-up windows to appear? Please tell me what you think by sending me suggestion via e-mail whether I should keep the geoguide or not. Your comments about this will be highly appreciated.

-July 17 1998-

The Themes' disappearance
Gomen, gomen, I know what you feel when you want to download something but the files aren't there. But don't blame me, blame Xoom! They didn't state in their content guideline that I can't use the free site for warehousing my themes. However, this is the second time they erased my files and there was no reply mail from the webmaster nor the members support when I asked about this. I don't think they even care. No wonder Xoom can never beat GeoCities. Now I have to find another place to put my theme files. Please be patient, fellas ^_^.

-July 15 1998-

Star Wars Theme removal
My Star Wars theme (startheme.zip) has been removed. I did this because I realize that this is an anime site, almost nobody would download a theme which is not related to anime. Besides, now I have more web space to put my themes and add-ons. Well if you still want it you can simply mail me.
Note: I haven't removed my Heavy Gear theme (geartheme.zip) because it's about mecha, and I'm a mecha-otaku. Well maybe I'll remove it too in the future if I need more space.

-July 14 1998-

Ranma 1/2 Theme and Icons
A new theme and icon pack has been added to my site. This new theme and icons is based on my new favorite anime, Ranma 1/2. Click here for the theme or here for the icons. By the way, my Ranma 1/2 page is under construction.

-July 11 1998-

Sailormoon add-on pack
The Sailormoon add-on pack has been updated. It now contains a better wallpaper. I updated this theme because I was a little bit unsatisfied with the old ugly-lookin' wallpaper. Find out here.

-July 9 1998-

Anime Soundtrack CDs, Videotapes and Books
This is a new section where visitors can buy some anime soundtrack CDs, videotapes and also some anime-related books. Amazon.com. Click here to buy some anime stuff.

Evangelion Script
All scripts of Neon Genesis Evangelion TV Series is ready for download now. I found them a long time ago from a website which I don't remember, and I want to share those with others. All  scripts is in txt files and was zipped using winzip. Click here to download.

-July 6 1998-

Evangelion Image Gallery
More new evangelion images added to this page. Click here to find out.

-July 2 1998-

Feedback Form
A feedback form has been added to this site so that visitors can easily send messages to me. Feel free to send some feedbacks if you have.

-July 1 1998-

Sailormoon Midi page
Some midi files are now available in the Sailormoon page. Check it out.

-June 27 1998-

Heavy Gear theme
A new non-anime desktop theme has been added. This is the 9th theme in here.

Sailormoon add-on pack
A new add-on pack for the SailorStars desktop themes.

-June 25 1998-

What's New page
A new section (this section ^_^) has been added so visitors can easily know new stuff  and addition in here.

Gundam page
Another new page about Mobile Suit Gundam. Only image gallery available at this moment.

Macross page
A new Macross section is now available. A credit to Hasan Gozali for some material on that page.

Sailormoon page
A new page about Sailormoon. However, only image gallery available at this moment. Click here to find out.

My Profile page
Some new information about myself has been added to this page so people can learn more about me.

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